Two Trees: Beginnings

Mar 8 | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Class on demand videos become available each Monday, 3/9 - 4/23.

Homework discussion meeting times will be assigned the week before class begins.

Two Trees: Beginnings Online’s registration closed on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Beginnings is the start of an intensive, 10-course series that covers the story of God from Genesis to Revelation. Throughout the ten courses of Two Trees, we will look at the Bible through different lenses including a structural overview, the highlighting of major themes, and tools we can all use in our personal study.

This online class requires reliable internet/Wi-Fi connection. We suggest watching from a computer/laptop or tablet, instead of a phone, to maximize your experience. Each week's videos will be available to watch on demand.

Homework will be assigned. Class size is limited.

Prerequisite: Completed Explorations class (registered or currently participating is not completed)

Commitment to complete all ten courses of Two Trees is NOT mandatory to register. Beginnings is the required start to the series. Additional Two Trees courses will be offered over the next few years.