Message: Waiting for a Sign

Speaker: Tim Bounds

Service Date: April 28, 2019 Plain Print Version

The worship songs stirred up some powerful questions that were challenging. 

Is God enough for you? If yes, how do you live that out in your day to day life? If no, what is the next step to take to discover who Jesus really is? 

God is not giving up on you. How does that affect your journey of searching to discover who He really is?

The Rapper Propaganda revealed the idea of breathing in the Word of God. What does that look like in your life?

Tim lead us back into the Easter story from last week. What did it mean for you to celebrate Easter? 

Do you have a relationship with the Resurrected Jesus? Is He at the heart of your faith journey? If not, what is the next step you can take to draw closer to Him? 

Tim began to unpack the story of Mark 8. Were you surprised by the fact that there really are two stories? (feeding of 4000 and feeding the 5000).  What is your take away from these two stories?

How did the fact that Jesus used leftovers affect you?

Does my thinking, priorities and preferences affect how I accept and treat the people God is putting in my life?

Are you allowing Jesus to reveal Himself on His terms, or do you expect him to reveal Himself on your terms?

What changes need to be made in your thinking, priorities and preferences? 

How do you respond to the idea that Jesus' love is wild? Does His love ever surprise you?

Are you at the point that His love is enough for you?

How do I allow myself to be satisfied with Jesus, and to be enough?