"Grace comes free of charge to people who do not deserve it."
Philip Yancey
What marks 2024 most for you - positively or negatively? What are your hopes and dreams for 2025?
1. When have you fallen for "the illusion of information adequacy," thinking you knew more about something than you actually did? What did you learn?
2. When was the last time you were disappointed in something, or your expectations didn't meet reality? Or, was there a time you were perhaps disappointed in yourself, and have sought to address it?
3. How do you feel about the idea of "gut-check Tuesday," "keep it humble Wednesday," or "run to Jesus Thursday" over "Quitters' Friday?"
4. Read John 21:4-19, placing yourself in Peter's shoes. What would you be feeling or thinking? Have you ever been there before?
Action Steps
Join us for Dinner, G1, or Financial Foundations coming up in January:
Go to: thecrossing.church/calendar
Lord Jesus, like Peter, we acknowledge that you know everything, including everything about us. May we love you with all of our hearts, and refuse to stay stuck in any of our old, familiar patterns. May we receive Your grace, to forgive us and set us free. And may we share this grace with one another in all that we say and do. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.