Message: The Next 40

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: April 26, 2020 Plain Print Version

In this week's message, Pastor Greg pointed out that we are past the 40 day mark in our Covid-19 Quarantine.

“40 days” has great significance in Scripture- Frequently out of these times of struggle, and trial, would come times of seeing God work.   (Feel free to look up these Scripture references now or later)             

  • Noah- Gen 7:12 ,
  • Israelite spies- Numbers 13:25,
  • Moses-Exodus 24:18, Deut. 9:18,25;
  • Elijah – 1 Kings 19:8
  • Jesus- Matt 4:2.

So, in your own “40 day” struggle, what are ways you have seen God work in your life during this time? Share one or two.

But of course our story goes on- and we’re encouraged to look ahead to the next 40. . . and the next 40 after that. In these next 40 and beyond, Pastor Greg points out we’re living in the in-between time. Between Quarantine and Vaccine. In this “in between” time, there will be people who are coming at this from a different perspectives. We likely won't all see "eye-to-eye". It’s going to be important to listen to each other. 

  • So, who in your life has a perspective different than your own? Who has an opinion of what should happen that’s different than yours? Maybe there are differences within your group. 
  • Consider: What would it look like to talk to that person- not about your differences but -- “How can I pray for you?” and -- “here’s how you can pray for me”
  • Take a few minutes to talk about the challenges and the benefits.
We are learning to live in the tension of:
Struggle -------------------Celebraton
Grief -----------------------Gratitude
Caution -------------------Confidence
HOPE is what ties these things together.
  • Who in your group has memorized Romans 12:12 in the group “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation and be constant in prayer.”
  • In the spirit of our elementary days- try repeating it out loud together. If you're feeling adventurous, have some fun and add some actions.  Do whatever is helpful to let these words sink deep into your memory bank. 
  • We heard stories from 4 staff members:
    • Sonja Meyrer --Re: what our folks in the Recovery community are dealing with.
    • Pastor Anthony Meyer -shared about the impact our partnership has had with a local school  
    • Youth Pastor David Cording -and the losses and praises within our Youth Ministry.
    • Guest Experiences Lead Natalie Lasley -and her story of the rocks.

Invite various people from the group to summarize/review these stories. What stood out to you about each of these?

  • Sonja’s story reminded us to call out to God in authentic, honest gut wrenching prayer
    • (Look up Jeremiah 15:15, 18 (maybe use a couple different translations)
    • What does it look like to truly call out to God in prayer? Where are you in the realm of surrender and submission? Wrapping the last frayed strand of us around the mighty arm of God?
  • Anthony’s story and Natalie’s story reminded us that our actions matter. Even simple acts--God is at work – in the details- small acts of obedience can make a difference in ways we can’t imagine.
    • How can we be thinking about “being the church” during this time of Covid quarantine?
    • Brainstorm actions you can take as an individual. Maybe even as a group.
    • Visit our webpage for ideas?
  • David’s story reminded us of the importance of gratitude. 
    • Has anyone in the group kept a gratitude journal? This could be the perfect season to start one.
    • If you haven't done so already in your group, share what you've been grateful to God for.

God is still at work. 
Acts 1 The Greek word Dunamis refers to explosive power  See 2 Cor 4:7 
This is God's power, not ours- and yet He beckons us to be a part.  Our small acts of obedience can set off a chain reaction.
Assign portions of Hebrews 11 to group members to read. 

This has been called "God’s Hall of Faith"- How are these people examples of Hope?
They were constantly looking toward a future- God had done great things- He will continue to do so.

"If I can trust God with my future, I can trust Him with my now."

Close in prayer - praying for our "next 40 days, and the next, and the next..."

Pray for our folks in Recovery, for our kids in vulnerable communities, for our Youth, who are struggling with their own losses, and finally pray for how our church can continually have an impact and the role we all will play in that.

"If I can trust God with my eternity, I can surely trust Him with my 'right now.'"


Hebrews 11- God's Hall of Faith


How the church can still be the church during this time-


--If you haven't tried it yet, start a Gratitude Journal. --Cause a Chain Reaction: Decide one thing you can do as an individual and as a group to make a difference during this Covid-19 season we are in. --Actively pray for these next 40 days.