Message: The Fall

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: March 20, 2022 Plain Print Version

Read Luke 15

It might seem reckless to some to spend so much energy on just one lost coin, one lost sheep, or a wayward son. But this is the pursuing, relentless love of God who has come for us. THIS is the mission of God throughout the story, even at the heartbreaking moment when it all falls apart.

Read Genesis 2:18-25

God made a "helper" for Adam. Helper here means more of an ally, a partner. They were equals, both are image bearers. Both have responsibility before God to reflect His glory. To love and honor each other. To care for the gift of creation. To trust the God who did all of this for them.

Read Genesis 3

The serpent, the intruder, enters the story. He says "You don't need God - you are going to be LIKE God. Ultimately this comes down to: Are you going to be God or is He? The story comes down to a choice.


Discuss all that was lost when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Curse and shame enter the story. 

How does this still play into your story today: Are you going to be God or is He?

Right here in the opening pages of the story at the darkest moment, we catch our first hint that God is not going to give up on us. There is good news, there is hope after all. God has a plan to redeem what was lost and his name is Jesus. He is the promise fulfilled. This is how we face the truth about us and our world AND live with grateful hope. 

God will redeem those who trust him. He will make a way out. 

There was a moment when Jesus put all of our sin upon himself. 


What does this mean for you in your life? We have all sinned. And Jesus came to rescue each one of us. Where are you on this journey of discovering a God who is pursuing you and making a way for you?