Message: Change of Perspective

Speaker: Jarrett Stevens

Service Date: July 12, 2020 Plain Print Version

"How do I know that God is for me, given everything that is in front of me?

Has your perspective changed spiritually?

Elisha was a prophet to the Northern Kingdom Israel - The Northern Kingdom was under attack by the Arameans - Why did the King of Aram want to kill Elisha? Where did the Arameans find Elisha and his servant? What happened when they found Elisha? How did Elisha's servant react when he saw the armies and what was Elisha's response when confronted with the circumstances? (Verse 16) What did Elisha mean by those who are with us are great than those who are with them? How did Elisha handle the problem? (Verse 17) Where did Elisha lead his enemy? (Verse 20) As a result of being lead astray, how did Elisha tell the King of Israel to handle his enemy? (Verse 23)

We are not called to live in the natural, but the super natural

How do you know that there is more than what you are seeing that is in front of you? With everything that is so out of control today, do you believe that God is in control of it all? why or why not? With the the bad news surrounding us today, how do you know/why do you believe that God is good? "GOD SURROUNDS WHATEVER SURROUNDS YOU." - what surrounds you right now? How are you coping? How can you allow God to surround you with His love and His truth? What are some of the ways you can begin to "open your eyes" to God's truth and love? How can you use God's Word and your prayer time to accomplish God's truth and love in your life?

Deeper Meaning and Understanding

Who was the King of Israel at this time? (2 Kings 3:1) Why did Elisha suggest a feast be given to the armies of Aram? How would this benefit Israel? What were the results? In ancient Eastern culture, what did eating together constitute? How did this incident demonstrate God's defense of His people? Deeper Application: Where can you look for the goodness of God? How can you be that hope and love for others so they can SEE - their eyes can be opened to to love and hope of God? What are some steps you can take this week to be surrounded by God?