Message: Finding God in the Clutter

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: April 16, 2023 Plain Print Version

Read Acts 17:16

In our context, we might wonder why seeing these idols distressed Paul so greatly. We have to remember that He would have had all of the Old Testament memorized. He understood that God was serious when He gave the ten commandments to His people. 

"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God...  Exodus 20:3-5

Paul is disguised by what he is seeing. But it also breaks his heart. He knows how God feels about this practice, and he knows what it costs the people to serve other idols. This distress is also out of concern and love. 


     -The idols that Paul was seeing in the city were physical statues of gods that were worshipped. What are some of our "idols" today? 

Read Acts 17:17

Paul "reasoned" with them. This means he discussed, had conversation. This is different from blasting someone or arguing with them. Paul was listening and discussing. 


     -If you are a follower of Jesus, who was it that told you about Jesus? What conversation happened or what drew you to listen to the story of Jesus?

Read Acts 17:19-21

These groups had trouble hearing what Paul was saying. He was contradicting what they believed about God and worship. 

Paul found the city and the lives of the people cluttered. Instead of worshipping the One True God, they frantically worshipped false gods. 


     -How would you define clutter? What clutters up people's lives today?

Read Acts 17:21-23

Paul now wisely connects the message of Jesus to "the unknown god". This is his way of explaining about the One True God. 

Read Acts 17:24-34

We, like the people of Athens, have things that clutter our hearts and our lives. These are our "idols", the things that we cling to in hope that they will give us control, purpose, meaning, peace, joy.....  These are things that in themselves can be good things, but once we put our hope in them and let them take God's place in our hearts, they become an idol. Only Jesus can satisfy a human soul. Only He brings what your heart is longing for. 

So where do we start? 

First, notice. 


     -What is it in your life that has possibly become your identity and anchor? What are you perhaps clinging to in hopes of it giving you a sense of lasting peace? If you are not ready to share this out loud, be honest in your own heart about what could be cluttering your life. 

Then know there is a better way. There is a God who longs to bring you what your heart desires. 

And then remember:

God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. Acts 17:27