Message: Filled with the Spirit?

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: February 23, 2020 Plain Print Version

Read Ephesians 5:15-16

Paul wants us to live wisely; being careful how you walk, making the most of your time.

Why are we to live wisely and to be careful how we walk?  What does Ephesians 5:16 say?


How do you go about your day with your schedule of events, task, etc. that you have planned?

Discuss how you either hurry through or take the time to walk through each task wisely.  What steps can you take to improve the way you do this?

Read Ephesians 5:17

How do you discern the will of the Lord and how do you walk slowing through the tasks of the day?

When you combine the two, how would walking/slowing down benefit the outcome?

Discuss how you could apply this to your plan/s for your life.  Which plan are you on:  A, B, C, or further down the alphabet?

Discuss the DO'S AND DON'TS

Don't  be:

Unwise, Foolish, Drunk

Do be:

Wise, Understanding of God's Ways, Filled with the Spirit

Discuss what it means to be "drunk with wine."  How does this influence your life?  What does it do to you physically?

Can being "drunk with wine" affect your decisions - causing you to be foolish and unwise?  Explain

Discuss how to be "filled with the Spirit."  How is this different than being "drunk with wine?"

When we are "filled with the Spirit" who is in control?

Read I Corinthians 12:13

What does this verse tell you about the Spirit? - Is He for all or just for some?  

Who is "filled with the Spirit?"  Describe how the Spirit lives within the believer.


Discuss how being "filled with the Spirit" can point you to Love?  What about surrender?

We have choices that no one else sees - Discuss how this can be a quiet surrender and how can that change our perspective on The Spirit in us?

How does love fit in to surrender?

Read the following verses:

I Thessalonians 5:19

Ephesians 4:30

Do a comparison of these verses with Ephesians 5:18.  How are we "filled with the Spirit" verses "grieving the Holy Spirit"

Discuss some steps that you can take this week to be more aware of The Spirit living in you and filling you daily.