Message: The Indescribable Christ

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: February 24, 2019 Plain Print Version

Read Mark 4


If "Who is Jesus?" is the most fundamental question of life, then how have you applied this claim to your life?

As Jesus ends days of teaching, He found He needed to rest.


How does this speak into your life/faith journey?

The narrative in Mark 4 takes place on the Sea of Galilee. This body of water is known for its storms and danger.


Do you have a place, person or plan that you know is dangerous to your soul? How do you deal with it?

Does it appear that Jesus is asleep on a cushion while you are drowning?

Are you ready to listen to Jesus speak into this danger and your choices?

How do you begin that conversation?

Jesus message is the Kingdom of God is here and now! The Kingdom of God is the reality that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and is here and now.


What does it mean to enter in to that Kingdom?

Have you entered into that Kingdom?

Am you ready to be a follower of the King?

The process is about quality, not quantity.


What does this truth say about your journey?

Important things start with the first step. Take some time to let these truths soak into your story.

We live in a world that for now is very evil. Jesus has won the war, but for now we need to be engaged in the daily earthly battles.


How do we turn to Jesus in our daily battles?


Our spiritual growth and walk with Christ is one intentional step at a time. What is your next step?