Read: Isaiah 42:16, Ruth, Luke 24:13-35, Exodus 3:7-15, Mark 14:32-26, Hebrews 12:2
1. Share a time you thought you were headed somewhere but ended up somewhere else.
2. What surprised you once you were in that place?
3. Have you ever found yourself making assumptions or conclusions about God while on the unfamiliar path, or during uncertain times?
4. How open have you been to God surprising you in ways you haven't anticipated?
5. Sometimes we hesitate to say to God, "I'm available." Why do we have such a hard time saying "Yes" to God?
6. How do you feel about the motto, "Do it scared?" Have you ever had to challenge yourself to do that? Is God calling you to do anything "scared," yet trusting Him through it?
Register to hear Dr. John Inazu on Tuesday, July 23rd at 6pm at our Chesterfield campus here.
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"I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way."