"...choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.....as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
Joshua Chapter 5
Background Scriptures
Genesis 17
Deuteronomy 10:16
Deuteronomy 30:6
Romans 2:29
Circumcision was a symbol of the covenant God made with Abraham - all nations would be blessed (Genesis 12). It was an external sign of an internal devotion.
Read Joshua 5 and discuss the following questions:
1. Why was circumcision a sign of the covenant with Abraham?
2. What was the purpose for circumcision?
3. Why was Israel "set apart" from the other nations?
Relate Deuteronomy 10:16, Deuteronomy 30:6, and Romans 2:29 to Joshua 5.
God gave Israel a strategic portion of land. It was the crossroads for trading at that time.
Why? What was so important about this portion of land?
Before crossing the Jordan, Moses spoke to the Israelites.
Read Deuteronomy 10:12-22
Discuss how these verses also relate to the covenant God made with Abraham.
Read Joshua 5:1-8
Why did Joshua circumcise all the Jewish men at this particular time?
Why does the scripture say they were circumcised a second time?
When was the first time? (Genesis 17)
Read Joshua 5:9-12
What happened in these verses?
What did they eat?
What had they been eating for 40 years?
What ceased at this point?
The circumcision and the Passover were preparations for the Israelites. What was God preparing them for?
Read Joshua 5:13-15
Discuss who this man was?
A Theophany? Discuss the meaning
What does Joshua ask the man and what is his response?
Why is this important for what has happened so far in this chapter?
(They are about to cross the Jordan into the land God had promised them. Discuss the events of this preparation that God is taking them through.
1. What is God calling you to do?
2. Just as the Israelites had steps to take in their obedience to God's plan for them, what steps do you need to take in order to prepare yourself for what is calling you to do?
3 How will you pray?
4. Who or what are you going to serve? What was Joshua's response to who he would serve?
5. How will you push back the darkness to allow the light?
Go Deeper
Read - Romans 4:6-16
What is Paul calling into question?
What is he trying to explain?
Did circumcision save you?
When did Abraham believe God and was counted to him as righteous - before or after he was circumcised?
What then, is Paul's point?
Related what you have learned in Romans to God's covenant with Abraham and Joshua 5.
How can you apply this to your own personal life?