"We experience loneliness not because there is something wrong with us, but because there is something right with us."
Scott Sauls
1. What are food pairings that you think are amazing, but most people would think are weird?
2. Cain's response to God asking where Able is was "Am I my brother's keeper?" What sticks out to you about Cain's response? What does that say about his heart?
3. Why can making and keeping close relationships be so difficult?
4. There are four spaces for creating relationships: public, social, personal, and intimate. What spaces do you have healthy relationships? What spaces do you need more relationships?
5. How can knowing that we are called to take care of each other change the way we approach our personal relationships?
Loneliness is an epidemic that is currently sweeping the nation. Think through your current relationships. Is there anyone that you have a relationship with that is currently struggling with loneliness? Find that person and take the time this week to spend time with them. You could go to a coffee shop with them, or share a meal together. Whatever you decide to do, celebrate that relationship and fight the loneliness together.