Read: Ezekiel 34, Isaiah 1:18, 59:15-21, Mark 2:13-17, Romans 3:23-24, James 4:6, Revelation 19:6-10
1. Jesus invited everyone to the party, even those deemed "unclean." Who are the unclean in your mind? How can you love, serve, and include them like Jesus did, your fellow invitees to the party?
2. Guilt is a part of the human condition. How does it affect you? How can Jesus' tenderness and forgiveness impact those feelings of guilt?
3. You were created in the image of God. Guilt can make us forget that, but it can also serve to remind us of who God is calling us to be instead. Has that ever played out in your life? Which way do you tend to break?
4. What did you think or feel when you heard from our friend from Southeast Asia? Did anything stick out to you?
5. Have you accepted, once and for all, the forgiveness of Jesus?
If you have accepted Jesus' offer of forgiveness, you may consider being baptized. Head right here to join us!
Our next Vision Dinner is July 19th. Make a note in your calendar if you haven't been able to join us for a wonderful free dinner and night of exciting conversations about what God is doing.
"...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."