HOPE - " a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen."
Greek meaning - "an attitude of looking forward to, usually, a trusting, confident hope."
Hope is not just wishful thinking
What are some things that you hope for this Christmas season?
Do you like change? Does change happen too fast or too slow for you?
What changes have occurred in your life that have happened too fast? too slow?
Luke 2:22-35 - if possible, read these verses in various translations
There were three ceremonies that occurred after the birth of a son. Read the scripture verses and discuss their application to Luke 2
1. Circumcision - Genesis 17 - Why were the males circumcised on the 8th day?
Go Deeper - what was the meaning and purpose of circumcision?
2. Purification - Leviticus 12 - Why did Mary and Joseph offer two pigeons instead of a lamb?
Dig a little Deeper - What was the purpose of the offering for purification?
3. Presentation - What was the presentation and where did it occur?
Even Deeper - What do Christians do today that would represent the "presentation" of their child?
Discuss what you read about Simeon. Who was he, what was he doing in the temple? Why was he waiting for Messiah?
Verse 25 refers to the "consolation of Israel" Discuss what that means.
Reference verses - Luke 2: 38; Isaiah 61:1-2
What did Simeon say when he saw Mary and Joseph? How did he know that Jesus was the Messiah and that the child Mary was carrying was Jesus?
Simeon didn't speak to Joseph, he spoke to Mary.
Discuss what he said and what he meant by his words
Mary is mentioned several times in the book of Luke. She is mentioned only once in Acts.
Look up the following verses and discuss what they say about Mary
Isaiah 7:14
Luke 2
Acts 1:14
Isaiah prophesied of the virgin birth, Luke and the other gospels tell the story of the conception and birth of Jesus, and John tells of Mary at Jesus' crucifixion Acts states that Mary was in the upper room praying with the disciples after Jesus' resurrection.
We see that Jesus is with Mary - seeing her through- even as he hung on the cross. How is Jesus seeing you through?
End with the reading of Luke 2:29-32. Discuss how you can praise God for the birth of Jesus our Lord and Savior.
Jesus saw Mary through, He will see you through too!
Hope is not just wishful thinking