All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet.- Matthew 1:22
"By the time you get to the last book of the Old Testament, there are 300 separate references to this one life that form the unique fingerprint of...Jesus."
"He came so that He could rescue"
Greg Holder
Prophetic Scripture
Isaiah 7:14 ...a virgin birth, Micah ...Messiah will be born in Bethlehem,
Isaiah 53:9...He will lead a sinless life,
Psalm 16...His resurrection predicted.
Psalm 22,
Isaiah 35,
Isaiah 53,
Zechariah 11
Dr Peter Stoner
The probability of any human fulfilling just eight of the prophecies about Messiah...conservatively is one chance in one hundred million billion.
1) What are your thoughts when you read about the overwhelming odds of all the prophecies pointing to Jesus?
2) What's the most important promise ever kept in your life?
3) Are you trusting God for the promises that He has made in your life?
4) Are there promises you need to keep as we approach Christmas?