How were you brought up regarding questions? Welcomed? Encouraged? Ignored? Shut down? Disrespectful? How comfortable are you with questioning authority?
What about questioning God? How comfortable are you with questioning Him? Pastor David brought up the subject of "mad questions." Was there a time, that you could share, when you questioned God in anger?
- What’s the difference in turning to God to question and turning away from God in question? Coming to Him with questions vs. walking away from Him with our questions?
Now let's take a look at the story of Gideon in Judges Chap. 6 and 7- but preface it with the verses in Chap 2.:
[Leaders Note: To get the full picture of just what God did through Gideon, and HOW God worked through Gideon, consider reading together all of Judges chapters 6-7 during your group time. Either in a time of silent reading or divide the chapters amongst several people in the group.]
Chapter 2 verses set the tone: What's happening to the nation of Israel at this time?
- Judges 6:1-7 God hands them over to the Midianites.
- Pastor David points out what can happen when we achieve success w/o recognizing its source. Discuss his observation: "The Lord does not permit His children to sin successfully." See Heb. 12:6.
- Judges 6:11-16 Discuss Gideon and his reactions.
In the context of Gideon’s story, Pastor Hawkins listed 3 universal questions. You can walk through all of them or have the group pick what resonates most with them right now.
- Does God care about me?
- (to hear God in difficult times, instead of asking “why?” consider asking, “what do you want me to do about it?” You’re giving God permission to use you in the midst of your situation.)
- Does God know what He’s doing?
- God rarely uses pre-qualified people.
- “Come to God full, and He will empty you, Come to God empty, and He will fill you up.”
- How often have you felt inadequate? Read these Scriptures to discover others who felt this way.
- Ex. 3:11
- Ex. 4:10
- Jer. 1:6
- 1 Cor 15:9
- Does God keep His promises?
- How did God keep His promise to Gideon and His people? (see Chap 7)
What does it look like to take this story of Gideon and apply it to our own lives right now?
Brene’ Brown's Permission Exercise-Do you need to give yourself permission to --act, feel, be…
- What would you write on your permission slip?
Close in prayer for one another as you take this message with you the rest of this week.
“All God’s acts are done in perfect wisdom.”
A.W. Tozer
Psalm 13:1
Judges 2:10,12,16
Judges 6 and 7.
Heb 12:6
Brene’ Brown's Permission Exercise-Give yourself permission to --act, feel, be, etc…
What would you write on your permission slip?
Discuss as a group- how can we keep our focus on God and His promises in times of 1) feelings of inadequacy, 2) times of crisis. Pray for each other.
Go Deeper
Re-read Judges 6 and 7 at least once on your own this week. Meditate on how God met and delivered Gideon and His people. How is He speaking to you?