Pastor Greg opened up with the concept of a resume’.
One definition is-
“a summary of personal data, educational background and training, business or professional experience and qualifications, and achievement -designed to prove qualifications for a job or position.”
[Leaders- as appropriate-invite the group to go around and share a piece of their resume’-perhaps keep it light, a humorous or little-known fact about their life experience.]
We will tend to share those things which paint us in a favorable light. The power of Scripture and one of the reasons we can trust it- is that it is unabashedly honest and transparent--showing us God’s people “warts and all,” as we see in Joshua 2.
Take the time to read the passage Joshua 2:1-24 aloud. As you read, what questions about this story come to mind?
The characters in this story:
• Joshua, the army of Israel and 2 spies
• Canaanite king and people/city of Jericho
• Rahab
Focusing on Rahab- as a group, unpack her story. List and discuss what you discover about her from the text?
• Canaanite
• Occupation
• What did she risk and why?
• What was the outcome? What is her legacy? (see Matt 1 and Hebrews 11:3
What are some things we have in common with Rahab? Ever feel like an outsider? Outside of God’s love? Of His forgiveness?
Rahab could not save herself. in her brokenness, she made a choice to trust in the God of Israel, as the one True God. She took a step of faith. She had absolutely no idea of God’s plan involved including her in the genealogy of Christ.
Reflect on the ultimate outcome of her choices.
- Wherever you are in your faith journey- what might be your next step of faith? Rahab took a risk- what is your risk? Or- what might be holding you back?
- Close in prayer by taking specific requests. If you don't already do this- consider emailing those requests to the group to pray for during the week.
“Lurking deep within us is what Satan convinced our first parents to believe—that we are not important enough for God to remain with us.”
Curt Thompson (from "Soul of Shame")
o Joshua 2:1-24
o 2 Cor 5:17
o Matthew 1
o Hebrews 11:31
o 1 Cor. 11:23-26
Reflect on the Curt Thompson quote. We recognize the lie- but how has this thought possibly crept into your thought life and held you captive?
How can Rahab's story change and refresh your way of thinking about your relationship with God?
If appropriate consider taking communion as a group.
Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 together before taking the elements
If you have arrived on a next step of faith for yourself-consider sharing it with the group, or at least one person to help hold you accountable..
Go Deeper
Uncovering historical data in Scripture further solidifies its reliability.
Either individually or as a group: take the time to dig further into the details of the story.
Using resources such as , what can you discover about the people of Canaan? What about the city of Jericho itself?