"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9
Peacemakers is not the same thing as peacekeepers. Peacemaker is one who pursues and brings peace, not someone who avoids conflict and doesn't stand up for anything.
What do peacemakers look like in our world today?
What do peacemakers look like in your every day life?
Read Joshua 22
Joshua 22:1-9: Discuss what this moment was like as Joshua declares that their work is done, blesses them, and sends them home.
Joshua 22:10-12: Discuss how this misunderstanding almost led to war
Joshua 22:11-31: Discuss how asking questions and listening made a difference in this situation.
Have you seen situations where assumptions were made without listening that led to a war of sorts?
How could this "war" or conflict have been avoided?
Greg talked about times when we can be zealous about the wrong things. Discuss what these things can be.
Joshua 22:33: They put their weapons down and talked of war no more.
Greg said that your heart is revealed in how you go through times like this.
Is there a situation you need to bring before Jesus today where your heart has been revealed?
Pray and ask Jesus to make you a peacemaker.
When you go to make peace, ask questions and offer whatever it is that you have to give.
Greg Holder
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."
Romans 12:18Discuss what this could mean for your life and how it might make a difference in bringing peace.
"For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,"
Ephesians 2:14Only through Jesus can we have peace. Ask Jesus to show you each day how you can be a peacemaker.