Summer 2021

Miracles and For The Lou

Speaker: Tim Bounds

Service Date: August 15, 2021


Leaders- the weekend message was focused around stories. Stories in Scripture of what Jesus did, and stories of what He is still doing even now in our midst. Your group has their own stories. We pray this will be a time of storytelling - of encouragement, of inspiration and reminder that God continues to write these stories every day.

Open up in prayer and then some questions:  

  • Where have you seen God moving this summer?
  • What challenges are you currently facing?   (have someone in your group make note of these for prayer at the end of group time)

We're going to dive into some stories from Luke 4 but before that how would you gauge your current faith status:  1-5. #5 being "I'm rock-solid in my faith in Jesus and his miracles----to #1 being "I'm struggling to even see anything God is doing around me.  (Leaders, depending on the closeness and comfort level of your group- this can be a personal assessment, meaning no one needs to share. Just keep the answer to themselves)

Have someone read the Luke 4:38-39 passage.  What stands out to you in this passage?  What do you notice?  What was your initial reaction to Peter's mother-in-law getting up to immediately serve them? Did you get any new insight about this reaction? What would your immediate reaction have been?

Read the second passage (Luke 4:33-35) What stands out in this one?  Spend some time comparing the two passages and include the fact that the word for "rebuke" was used in both of these situations.

Jesus heals a lot of people in the first 9 chapters of Luke. (and remember, Luke was a physician by trade). Here is the list-you may want to look these up in Luke if it is helpful.

What things do you see these healings have in common? What differences? How does this impact your faith in Jesus today?

Switching gears to today- it's sometimes hard to see where God is showing up in our world since we don't see these dramatic displays on an everyday basis. However, back to our opening question - where do you see God moving today?  Reflect on some of the stories that were told in the service. (if you can't remember or missed it- go to the podcast and fast forward to the last 15 minutes of the message) God is still moving- still writing stories of power and redemption - and is choosing to use us, everyday people to make a difference in this world that He still loves, broken as it is.

What are some ways God could use you, as an individual or as a group to make an impact on someone around you or in your community?

Brainstorm ways to be Jesus-in-skin.

Close in prayer, (consider using the list you made from the beginning of group time -the challenges that were mentioned)


Luke 4:38-39 Luke 4:33-35


How has God used other people to manifest His power and provision in your life or in the life of someone you know? How might He use you?


Go to for ideas