You Belong Here

Remember When

Speaker: Tim Bounds

Service Date: November 29, 2020

Remember When

Ask the group to choose one word to describe their Thanksgiving. Then share why they picked that word.

Read aloud Psalm 107, (the first 9 verses) This is an appropriate psalm of gratitude in the midst of trouble.

How are you doing with believing God is still good in the midst of our troubles?  Ask yourself, on a scale of 1-10, where are you on the “I believe God is still good” scale? 10 being Rock Solid Faith. 1 being I do believe, God help my unbelief.

[Leaders, notice where everyone is at in their souls after this exercise and call out the similarities and differences. Affirm each other’s honesty and remind one another to give grace in the differences.]


Pastor Tim asked us how good are you at remembering things?  Do you have any tricks you've used to try to remember things? What are they?

Read 2 Peter 1:12-15

How has God come through for you in the past? What can you remember? (take a few minutes to recall and reassure folks its ok if they can't) 

God knew we would be a forgetful people. And in His goodness, He provided ways for His people to remember His goodness. What are some of the ways He used in Scripture to help us remember? (ex. Deut. 6: 8, 12, Festivals, holidays,? )

Pastor Tim reminded us that as we can remember how God has been good to us in the past, this helps us have confidence in He will still do in our lives. So- it's important to find ways to help us remember His goodness. As a group, make a list of ways that help remind us of God's continued presence and His goodness:

• What are some songs that come to mind – where you find the words helpful? Take a few minutes to create a list. Maybe make a playlist on your phone? 

  • Physical ways of marking a moment:
    • Sticky notes?
    • A picture? A piece of art? 
    • Something in your yard? A stone or a tree?
  • Find a way or a place to write things down, keep a journal.
  • Consider using the 5 candles of Advent. 
    • The word for the first candle: Hope. Read together the passage in Lamentations 3: 20-26

    Leaders- if appropriate for your group- consider sharing communion as you choose to remember what Christ did, and remind each other to have confidence that He is still at work on our behalf.

    Close in prayer.

    "Grace and gratitude belong together like heaven and earth. Grace evokes gratitude like the voice an echo. Gratitude follows grace like thunder lightning...."
    Karl Barth


    Psalm 107:1-9 2 Peter 1: 12-15 Deuteronomy 6: 8, 12 Lamentations 3: 20-26


    2 Chronicles 20 (story of Jehoshaphat's battle)


    As a group discuss how you can work together to remind each other of God's goodness this Advent season. Text. Call. Write notes. . .