Islands of Stability

Remember When

Speaker: Jeff Henderson

Service Date: July 19, 2020

"Remember when. . . ?"

Jeff Henderson reminded us that life has its seasons. This season of COVID has knocked everyone off balance.  How have you been pushed off balance during this time? Take a few minutes to share.

We're given 2 words to consider this week: "Remember when. . . ?"  This season will have an end and we will one day look back on it and say "remember when...?" Henderson reminds us that now is the opportunity to write the 2nd half of that sentence. 

As a group, consider what opportunities might be in front of you as you write this 2nd half.  What might these days make possible for the future?

This week's reading is lengthy but worthwhile. If your group is willing, divide up chapters 11/12 into 5 parts to read aloud (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, and 41-12:1-3)

Spend time unpacking the story:  

  • Lazarus falls sick. Sisters send for Jesus.  How might Mary and Martha felt as they waited for Jesus to come? And after, when Lazarus died? 
    • How could this compare to where we're at during this season of pandemic?
  • Pull out and discuss any other observations of Jesus and the sisters in this story.
  • Moving to chapter 12- the banquet given in Jesus' honor.  It' is likely that, along with Mary, Martha and Lazarus, the people there were those who had recently attended Lazarus' funeral. What might the conversation have sounded like around the table?  
  • How might the words "remember when" come into play in this conversation?  What was then and what is now?
  • Take some time to reflect on what each of the 3 people in the story were doing at this banquet: 
    • Martha- serving
    • Lazarus- reclining, resting
    • Mary- pouring out a very valuable gift
  • What do you think changed in them from "remember when Lazarus was dead?"- to now? 
  • How might that be reflected in their actions at the banquet?
  • Henderson reminds us that Lazarus' death was a chapter- but the faithfulness of Jesus is the story.  Lazarus' story didn't end with the tomb, unbeknownst to him and his sisters, they were headed to a banquet- astonished at what Jesus had done.  So. Are. We. 
    • How can we allow this truth to affect our current outlook and circumstances?
    • How can we write a different, a better, more hopeful 2nd chapter during this time?

  • Henderson reminds us that the church should be a distributor of hope, in this season and every season.  What does that look like right now?
  • Henderson talked about moving from a  "but then. . . to and then..."  Moving from- "then my dreams fell apart, or my life was upended, or I lost my. . . to and then- I looked to what Jesus was doing, I took steps to move towards Him, I made choices that reflected His hope...
    • How do you need to move from a "but then to .....and then...? Be specific.
    • And however long it takes, how do you want to finish out your sentence "remember when?-- considering the banquet that is indeed waiting for each of us? (FYI-Lazarus and his sisters would probably encourage us to dream big here.)

End by talking about the Reflect and Do content and then close in prayer.

"Lazarus is but a chapter, the faithfulness of Jesus is the story."
Jeff Henderson


John 11:1-45 John 12: 1-3


Reflect on Mary, Martha, and Lazarus' actions during the banquet. How and why is each response important? And how can these actions serve to help us as individuals and as a church be a distributor of hope? Think about the truth of the challenges in your life are but chapters- but the faithfulness of Jesus is the truer story. How can that help as you navigate this season in your life?


Martha served. Lazarus rested in Jesus' presence. Mary poured out her best. Make a specific list of what each of these actions could look like in your life. Choose one thing to practice this week. Share with the group and consider inviting one person to check in and be an encouragement to you this week.