Making Room for the Extraordinary

The Way Forward

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: March 15, 2020

The Way Forward

We know that the Church- the Body of Christ, is not defined by brick and mortar. The Church is the gathering of those who proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Good News that Jesus chose to pay a supreme sacrifice so that we can have a relationship with Him! So, while we were meeting around screens all over the city, county, and world- let us remember, we are still the church and His Word says:  “. . . I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18b 

How can this verse bring us comfort, no matter what is going on around us?

So, if Pastor Greg suggested that this is a "March Madness" of a different kind- take a minute and assess your madness around the group:  1---------------5.  
What about your fear factor?  1------------5. 
Depending on your answer, what are some safe/healthy/faith-filled ways to deal with your fears?  A previous week's message reminded us that something literally happens in our brain when we take the time to verbalize, put words to our emotions.  The very act of doing this allows our brains to diffuse their power over us.  For those who are comfortable, share your honest feelings.  AND, after those have had the opportunity to share- have someone read Psalm 112:6-7 aloud.  Pick one word out of this passage that speaks to you.  (consider challenging each other to memorize this passage.)

This weekend concludes the end of a series on Hospitality.  And should we be surprised that this message is so applicable to what's going on all around us? 
 We were given some practical handles that apply to us carrying out Biblical hospitality.  
  • Hospitality is not an option.    
    • Is there anything keeping you from making room for new relationships?  What
  • It must be deliberate.
    • What are some things you can do to make this deliberate?  As a group, brainstorm ideas of how the Church (the followers of Jesus) can be deliberate.
  • It's more than you think.
    • Instead of the traditional meanings associated with hospitality, (entertaining, having people over for dinner, etc.) Discuss how Christianity expands hospitality to mean something much greater.
  • It's about listening
    • "Listen hard when it's hard to listen."  
    • "Be ok with silence." powerful moments of healing occur when we are willing to sit in silence with each other.

Christ made a way for us to have a seat at the table.  His Table. A table of acceptance, of love, of forgiveness and grace.  Now He has given us the privilege of extending His hospitality. Of inviting others to His Table-This week, what are some ways you can do this- even in this time of the corona virus.  May we glorify Him and love all this week.

"He is a stranger but the Lord has given him a mark that ought to be familiar to you."
John Calvin


Romans 17:7 Psalm 112:6-7 Phil. 2:5 John 1:18 Proverbs 29:20


Aspazomai- Greek word for greeting.


Eye Contact Smile Verbal Greeting