The (more than) Good Life

Living in the Upside Down

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: September 22, 2019

Living in the Upside Down

Jesus spoke to a crowd following him. They were hungry for more. What more am I hungry for?
In this dark world what do I want to hear from Jesus as he speaks to me? Am I listening?

The Beatitudes are lessons from Jesus on the reality of life. To those who are on the edge of life. What edge are you standing on that needs a word from God?

The word Blessed can be better received when we see it as a life flourishing in the middle of life’s circumstances.
What difficult circumstances am I struggling with that I need to invite Jesus into?

Pour in spirit is a life reality where we are at our wits end. Do I know someone there? Am I there? How can we be the “not alone someone” for them?

Mourning a loss is when and where we are at the end of ourselves. Grieving the loss is often mixed with a loss of hope. Am I willing to ask for help? How can we be the Jesus source of comfort and hope for the person in darkness?

In Jeremiah 15 we see a struggle that leads to a loss of hope. Jeremiah pours his heart out to God in his struggle.
What holds me back from reaching out to God in the middle of my darkness?

Peace is a journey and process. It takes a third person to step into the storm to address the heart issues, heal the wounds and find forgiveness.
How can you be that person? Am I willing to be a broker of Shalom?
What if I lived like I knew that God was with me NOW? That He brings comfort and encouragement and that it is for me?

Greg called us to be salt and light. We can be that person if we are willing to be used by God and enter into the journey with someone in need. Where do I need to push back the darkness in my own life?