In Pursuit of the King


Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: June 02, 2019 Plain Print Version


After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them.  His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.

Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.). Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”  Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.   Mark 9:2-8

Moses led the people out of slavery...Elijah was called to to lead them out of pagan idolatry. Now Jesus is going to provide a way out of the bondage of slavery and sin once and for all. It's a new Passover, a new sacrifice, a new covenant... In the transfiguration God is tearing the fabric of our three dimensions and allowing us to peak into the eternal...
Greg Holder

Clifton Black

"Listen to him about everything..."


*Share with the group some of things you've experienced that brought you great wonder but also some fear. *How are you when it comes to conversations about supernatural things like the transfiguration? *Share some of your thoughts about what you enjoyed and what tripped you up in this message. *What is God saying to the world when Elijah and Moses suddenly disappear*. What areas of your life do you need to "listen to him"? *Do you sometimes look for a "second savior in your life?


Years after Jesus' time on earth John is now the last living witness to Jesus. Read what he wrote in Revelation 4 and 5 and reflect on what he is proclaiming to the world, and more importantly, what he is saying to you.