In Pursuit of the King


Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: March 24, 2019 Plain Print Version


Read Mark 7:24-30

We all know what it's like to be excluded or included. We make value statements about those who are different from us.

"Grace finds us where we are, but it doesn't leave us there." Anne Lamott


    What does it mean for us, those of us who have received this grace, as we look at the rest of the world? 

Greg mentioned that Jesus was not only talking to the woman. He was teaching his disciples as he spoke to her.


    What was he teaching his disciples and the "ever present community? What was he trying to get them to see or understand?

    What were the layers of teaching that were happening in this moment?

The Messiah's mission was much bigger than they had imagined. God's love was wider than they knew.


    What boundaries was Jesus crossing and inviting them to cross with him?

    What boundaries have we as a society put around us? What groups do we deem "in" or "out"?

Greg asked a very vulnerable question: "Who is difficult for you to tolerate or love? Who is on the outside of your wall?"


    Spend a few minutes opening your heart to Jesus, and ask him to show you where you have drawn boundaries that you have not been aware of.

    Who are those people? What can you do differently to bring down the walls of exclusion and judgement?

Only Jesus can heal our wounded and hard hearts. Spend time asking him to heal your heart around loving ALL people as he does.

"'Lord,' she replied, 'event he dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs.'" Mark 7:27

This woman was declaring that even scraps from him are enough for her!


    This week we sang: "Christ is enough for me. Everything I need it in you." What does that mean to you? 

    If Jesus sat with you, what would he say? What would he point out that needs to change?