In Pursuit of the King

Scandal of Grace

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: March 03, 2019 Plain Print Version

Scandal of Grace

Read Mark 1:40-42


    Discuss the significance of Jesus touching this man.

    Today who are the categories of people considered "untouchable" or "unclean by society? 

    What does Jesus' example with the leper teach us about relating to "unclean" people?

    Who might God invite you to move towards?

"A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. 'If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean,' he said." Mark 1:40


    How can you relate to this man's statement, "If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean."?

Read Mark 2:13-17


    Why would this have been as shocking as when Jesus touched physically "unclean" people?

The Pharisees avoided those they considered "unclean". Jesus got involved with those that the religious considered "unclean". 

Jesus got involved with outcasts but never condoned their sin. He moved towards the broken the sinners and the hurting

The enemy will take your brokenness and twist it into shaming accusations. These are lies from the pit of hell:

    You are too ________________

    You will never _______________

    You will always _________________

You are an image bearer of the Most High God. This is truth. You are worth God seeking and even chasing down.


    What distortion has the enemy spoken to you? 

    How can you combat these lies?