Dive In


Speaker: Tim Bounds

Service Date: September 02, 2018 Plain Print Version


The Joy of the Lord is our strength.

Nehemiah 8:10

Attendance at the banquet is based on response to the invitation of God, not the title "Invited One."
Klyne R. Snodgrass


Nehemiah 8:5-6, 9-10 Luke 14: 1-4, 16-24 Ephesians 2:8-9


Take a few minutes to review the great summer messages. (we covered willing vs. wanting, grieving, courage, blessings and God's faithfulness, just to name a few) Do any stand out in particular? Any actions that resulted from them? Read Luke 14:1-4, 16-24 Preferably aloud. What questions occurred to you as your read this? Tim talked about the two invitations (comparing them to our "Save the Date" and then the "real" invitation). As the parable implied, God's people took His invitation for granted. Do we ever take God's invitation for granted, without even realizing it? If so, how has that happened in your life? Have you ever felt "disqualified" or unworthy of God's invitation? We were reminded that we are all unworthy and broken, and it is God's Grace that allows us to accept His invitation. . . but we may need to surrender, lay something down. What have you had to lay down to accept His invitation? Servants were sent out to invite anyone and everyone to the Banquet. What more could we be doing to extend God's invitation for others to join us at this Banquet?


If you’ve missed a service, head over to https://thecrossing.online/archives to catch up. If you've accepted God's invitation to His Banquet, present and future, find a deliberate way to celebrate that amazing gift this week. Dinner with friends and family where you share your gratitude towards God. Pray for God to give you an opportunity to extend an invitation to someone else this week. Perhaps invite them to the new series, "A&Q" starting next weekend.