Message: Who Do You Say I Am?

Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: March 31, 2019 Plain Print Version

Scripture Reading: Mark 8:1-13, 27-33

"But what about you? Who do you say that I am?" Mark 8:29

Theologian Walter Wink suggested we often see only what we are familiar or comfortable with. What do you notice when you first walk into an unfamiliar situation/social gathering? (the people, food, decor, music, lighting?)

We tend to notice not just what's familiar but what we deem important.

Read the first section of Scripture out loud.

    - Summarize what is happening here.

    - What is different from the last, similar miracle?

    -How are those differences significant to the disciples, and to us?

    -Re-read verses 11-13. What are the Pharisees doing here?

        -Someone once asked a searching friend - "Are you looking for reasons to believe, or reasons not to believe?" Two completely different         intellectual postures - requiring different responses. What does Jesus' response teach us about how to respond to those who are looking         for reasons not to believe?

    -From those who took notes on the message: Describe the area around Caesarea Philippi where Jesus took his disciples.

    -In the midst of this dark, highly pagan culture, Jesus asks the question, "Who do people say that I am?" And he asks the ultimate question. He asks all of us: "Who do YOU say that I am?"

        -Why do you think Jesus took His disciples there to ask that question?

    -Peter went to the head of the class with his answer. Then, just a few verses later he absolutely crashed. How can we relate to Peter - seeing     one thing so clearly but totally missing the mark the very next breath?

    -What are the names, the characteristics, the "versions" of Jesus that you lean into? that you prefer or are most comfortable with? Take a     minutes to list them.

    -What are the truths of Christ that might sometimes make us squirm? List them.

    -What would a "whole picture" of Jesus look like? How does that affect how you relate to Him?


Spend time this week looking at the "whole"of Jesus - the parts easy to embrace, and the more challenging parts. If we truly need Jesus - we need all of Him. And He gave ALL of Himself as a sacrifice for us. He held nothing back. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to reveal more of Jesus in your life this week.