To Belong

Love and Sacrifice

Speaker: Tim Bounds

Service Date: May 19, 2024

Love and Sacrifice


Philippians 2: 3-11
1 Corinthians 12:25-26


  • Have you been able to catch many of the messages in this series about belonging?
    • What has been most memorable or helpful for you?
  • The teacher this weekend talked about how our technology, specifically our smart phones, might be making many of us feel more isolated.
    • What is your relationship with technology?
    • How are you doing with technology boundaries?
    • How can our group help each other in this area?
  • Philippians 2:3-5 instructs us to, in our relationships with each other, have the same mindset as Jesus.
    • What is that mindset?
    • What might living that out look like practically?


  • The teacher this weekend mentioned that context is vital for understanding scripture.
    • How can you better incorporate context into your scripture reading habits?
    • Group members: share some resources that are helpful to you!
    • The Crossing bookstore is also packed with study bibles and other resources to help you better engage with scripture.

"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." -John 15:13