Wisdom Talks

Searching for Wisdom

Speaker: Angela Beise

Service Date: July 10, 2022

Searching for Wisdom

Group Leaders, spend a few minutes checking in with each other- 

Ask them what is the difference between knowledge and wisdom.  Open in prayer to ask God to grant the group wisdom as you discuss this week's message.

We're going to be focusing on the wisdom found in Proverbs, much of which was written by Solomon, son of King David. Have someone read the 2 Chronicles 1:8-10. Solomon clearly realized the importance of wisdom and recorded much of what he discovered. A proverb by definition is a statement of general truth or advice. These are not meant to be taken as iron-clad promises. Why do you think this distinction is important?

Pastor Angela gives the example of the parent to who warns their children about the "hot iron" Of the two different responses (obedience vs. testing) which camp do you have a tendency to fall into? (If appropriate, have someone share an example and the consequences)

We long to see our children thrive and point them to a good path. God longs to bless and encourage flourishing in His people as well.  And there is a recurring pattern we see in Scripture:

  • God pursues with the intention to bless
  • Gives instructions towards that end
  • People listen (for a "minute")
  • They rebel
  •  Make a mess of things
  • Cry out to God
  • God comes to the aid of His people
  • Rinse and repeat............

Just as sometimes with our parents, why do we think we know better than God? Want to "test" God?

Beyond just human nature, there is another character in the story that is at cross purposes with God's good intentions for our lives.  We have an enemy. Read John 10:10  He is referred to as "the accuser of our brothers and sisters in Rev. 12 and in Eph. 6 we see him "scheme and shoot fiery arrows" meant to destroy.

His tools are subtle and deceptive. Read John 8:44 A lie mixed with just enough truth can be dangerous. Can anyone give an example- Biblical or otherwise?

There lies in each of us- a battle for our minds. Read the Paul Young quote and discuss.

We all have paradigms that shape our thinking and our responses. Some go deep, tracing all the way back to childhood. Others might be fresher. Call out as a group that some things need to be worked on with the help of a counselor. If that is the case for anyone in the group- point them to pastors@thecrossing.church for a counseling referral.  Others can be addressed by awareness.

Two stories to discuss from Pastor Angela's message-

  • When she and her husband finally had to transition their son into a facility outside their home.
  • The story from Matt. 4:1-3, Jesus being tempted in the wilderness by the Enemy.

What jumped out at you from each of these stories? What surprised you? Encouraged you? Gave you hope? Pointed you in a right direction?

Why is it important to recognize those paradigms that have hindered you, not served you well? And how can you figure it out?

Pastor Angela suggested starting with a simple prayer- just as Solomon went to God, asking for wisdom, we too can do this. As you wrap up your group, open it up to prayer requests. How can the group pray for each other? And if folks are not comfortable sharing just yet- leaders can pray for the whole group- for God to reveal wisdom and next steps for each person. 

Before dismissing- take a few minutes to talk about the weekly Scripture memorization challenge- see who might be interested, along with ways to pray for and encourage each other throughout the week with group texts.

Also consider doing a group activity with FORTHELOU week. 

“We all have paradigms, those glasses we look through and determine the whole universe, including the character and nature of God. They become the guards of our minds that keep our hearts separated from healing. Those paradigms are what the Holy Spirit is after. He wants to either change the prescription or give you a brand new set of glasses.”
Paul Young


2 Chronicles 1:8-10 Proverbs 1:1-7 John 10:10 John 8:44 Proverbs 2:1-6, 9-10 Matthew 4:1-3 Hebrews 2:18


What paradigms do you need to re-examine in your life, to put under the scrutiny of a Biblical, Spirit-led mindset?