Summer 2021


Speaker: Greg Holder

Service Date: August 29, 2021


Group leaders: Take time to check in on your group and their week. 

Remind them that this week's message was on the well-known story of the Prodigal son. As we unpack this story, often our own personal relationship -with our earthly father can positively or negatively affect our picture of God. 

  • Give the group a minute or two to reflect on their relationship with their father. Offer time for anyone who feels comfortable to share.
  • After some have shared, open in prayer - asking God to reveal Himself to each person- as the only perfect Father we could ever have.

Have someone read Luke 15: 11-16

As you unpack this story- what did you understand and what did you discover that's new to you about this story? Take time to dig and allow God to guide your imagination and thoughts.

  • In light of Jewish tradition, what's the significance of the young son's request?
  • How did the older brother respond (or not) to this? (Scholar Brad Young says according to Middle Eastern culture/Jewish traditional values, in a crisis, the older son would hold the position of mediator.)  
  • How might both sons have been "lost?"

Continue the reading- Luke 15:17-20a  

  • The son "came to his senses."  He experienced regret. 
  • When you and I have experienced regret, remorse- what is our response? How do you deal with your regrets?
  • What did the son do at that moment?  

Continue with Luke 15:20b-24

  • Unpack the reaction of the father in the story
  • Jesus intended for this story to help us understand the Father's love for us. In light of the Dad's reaction, what does this tell you about grace, forgiveness and God's love for you?
    • Dad saw him (v. 20b) 
    • Dad ran to him.
    • How Dad celebrates him.

    Wrap up with Luke 15:25-32

    • What does the reaction by the older son tell you about his heart?
    • Reflect on the response of the father here towards this son. 

    Allow time for discussion and challenge each to see who they identify with, in this story. What is your next step of faith towards your Father who is eager to welcome you? What does "coming home" look like?

    Close in prayer


    Luke 15:11-32


    No matter which son you identify with, what is your response to God's outrageous love for you?


    Mark September 12 Baptism service on your calendar and plan to celebrate.