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APRIL 2024


I can do what Jesus says.

Talk About the Bible Story

Shine Like the Stars
Philippians 2:14-16

We shine like the stars when we do everything without complaining and arguing.

Open the Bible together and read Philippians 2:14-16 or watch the video together on the Parent Cue app.


“Let your light shine.”

Matthew 5:16, NIV

Engagement Questions

  • Who can do what Jesus says?
  • Can you do what Jesus says?


"Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to teach us how to shine our light. Please help us do everything without complaining and arguing so we can shine like the stars and people can see that Jesus loves them and wants to be their friend forever too. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Morning Time

When you go into your child’s room, cuddle them and say: "Good morning, [child's name]! The stars are going to sleep and the sun is waking up! Even though we can't see the stars during the day, we can still shine like the stars when we do everything without complaining and arguing. Let's try and shine like the stars today!"

Drive Time

While on the go at night, look for stars in the sky. Are the clouds hiding the stars or are the stars shining bright in the dark, clear sky? Talk about how when we argue and complain, we hide our light, like the clouds hide the stars. But when we do what Jesus says, we shine bright, like stars in a dark, clear sky!

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your child and pray: "God, every time [child's name] and I look at the stars You created, help us remember to do everything without complaining and arguing so we can shine like the stars. And when we shine, other people will see that Jesus loves them and wants to be their friend forever."

Bath Time

Add plastic stars or sponges cut into the shape of stars to bath time. Sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" together as your child plays with the stars. Talk about how the Bible teaches that when we do everything without complaining or arguing, we shine like the stars!

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